~~~ Poetry ~~~

Author About

Boy in Breeches

Fading Flowers

Glorious Spring

Lad That I Was


She Who I Love

Soul's Journey

The Answer

Ode to Father

~~~ The Old Barn ~~~

In years gone by she stood as queen,
Tall and proud was she.
She wore a coat of the brightest red,
And all her timbers were sound.

She was refuge from winter's storm,
A safe haven for all creatures.
The bovine animal soon warmed inside,
Their pungent odor greeted.

Joy occurred within her lofty walls,
The new arrival of calf and colt.
In her the provender was stored,
From the sweaty toil of man.

Children played their games in her,
Their laughter gave it life.
Bright young eyes opened in awe,
Finding the kittens hiding place.

Oh, those walls and magnificent beams,
If they could speak to me now.
How much milk did she produce?
How much butter and ice cream?

How sad she looks in her present state,
The prairie storms have had their way!
Where is the caretaker that loved her?
Where is the laughter of children now?

She is grey and bent and altogether weary,
She is listing like a sinking ship.
Indeed, her long life is nearing an end,
That wonderful old barn of ours.